Tuesday 7 February 2012

Assignment 6 (part) - Conclusion

My project has developed a vast amount over the course of this project, I have covered much more than I intended to when I started. I feel that although my work seems fairly sporadic it is tied together by the fact it's all based on types of drawing, or digital art. I wanted to move away from taking photographs myself, so I have networked and made it possible so I did not have to take photographs as a project. I am glad that I started drawing with Joan Haywood, but as that project was not viable at the time to continue, and it wasn't particularly experimental, I started researching tattoos, and working with a tattooist. This taught me a lot and I gained some primary research with my own experience. 

My project became truly fascinating to me when I started the research based on online trends of cats, this really inspired me to use the internet and social networks such as facebook, to network and collaborate with people on images of their cats, they sent me the photographs they had taken, and this meant that I had something to illustrate. I then posted the images back onto facebook to exhibit my work. I researched the use of cats on the internet to make sure that this was an acceptable project, as I did it very publically in front of everyone that I know (on facebook) so I did not want to make too much of a fool of myself, or seem like I had gone crazy. It worked well, and through researching I have even had some possible ideas on how I could develop this project further creatively.
My investigation into local art galleries has proved to be a good networking activity, I have received an email from one of the gallery owners saying he enjoyed reading my blog, and thanked me for my interest in his gallery. This proves that some galleries care, and they actively chase up people who make an impression on them. I hope to visit this gallery again soon and it might even be a good opportunity to get some of my own work exhibited in the local area.  

On reflection, I can see a few small areas that I could have made slightly clearer for on lookers who do not have the background knowledge that I do. I understand the elements that make up this project, and how my ideas and therefore my researching has changed in relation to my practice. I have tried to look at different ways of making lines, and a few ultra modern examples of how to use illustration in contemporary society. I have been left at the end of this project with a fairly concise and clear set of research, I have made sure that I have worked to the best of my abilities and did not take any shortcuts when conducting my research. I have read the sources that I have selected and am now familiar with a few of the more well used sources. I can identify something that I need to work at, is being more concise with what I am trying to do. But I have many strengths, such as I am confident with my researching methods, I am more than adequate on the computer, and I can skim read and pick out relevant sections when researching.

I feel that I have become more prolific with my researching skills, I can make the most of my time and work effectively. I work methodically and take the time to double check my work to try to weed out as many inconsistencies as I can. Overall I feel that this research project has been a useful activity for me to engage in. It has exercised my mind into new ways of thinking. It also puts me in good practice for the next assignment.

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